Monday, September 21, 2009

Das Es I was thinking about my blog on the 13th of Sept. And I wonder if I didn't jump into some sort of self rightous mode with my generation. Actually, I am pretty sure I did. "We are better because we can blog" type of shit.

I know that there are a lot of nasties out there. I know that there has never been an era in human history when violence wasn't a major part of that era. As a military brat and now a military spouse I am pretty sure that I understand the concepts of war. My grandpa, dad and husband have all been in a war. I get it. I don't like it, but I get it. However, what I really REALLY don't understand is senseless violence. Stabbing or shotting someone because "I can" doesn't fly by me. The ugliness of people that just have no concept of what they are doing to another human being disturbs me.

I don't think we are any better than the Ancients. Our Das Es' are just as basic as theirs were. Some were born with an ability to keep it in check and others weren't. And those that can't or don't are the ones that I give me the willy jillies.

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